Thursday, July 1, 2010

How much is your life worth now ?

Here is a thought experiment I do to others ! ( Somehow it does not work with oneself ! )

Ask this question to your friend ( mind you ... only close friends ) ...

  • Imagine , there's a gun with 100 bullet chambers ( than the usual 6 round one ) .
  • And 99 of it is empty.
  • 1 chamber has a bullet.
  • The chamber is rotated - so you dont know finally if the round is empty or has a bullet (Oh just like the Russian-roulette ! )
  • Now ask your friend if he would be willing to keep it on his temple and fire. ( oh just like the russian roulette - but ... you dont play .. just your friend )
  • But here is the reward . If he is alive, he will get $1 as reward. Is he willing to do it ?
  • Not willing ? Okay how about a MILLION dollars ... would he do it ? ( remember .. the chances are 1/100 *only* )
  • If he says yes, .. wait ... it means he values his life against risk worthiness somewhere between $1 and $1 MILLION !
  • Now increase the lower figure and decrease the upper figure .
  • Keep doing that .. until he / you reach a bracket of figure where you would not be able to make a decision ... maybe something like ... between $16,000 - $75,000 ( Which means ... he would not be willing to do it for $16,000 but definitely for $75,000 ! )
  • See if you can come with a fixed figure .
Now do this sometime later in his life ! And see if that has changed !

I realized that this figure depends on many things -
1) The current financial situation he is in.
2) Is he contented with his life . ( higher the dollar figure, the chances are it is a closer indication of whether he is happy or not )
3) Social obligations and responsibilites. ( The $ figure is higher for people with higher social responsibilities )

1) You can change the number from 100 to any other that you like

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